Michael Phelps Wants to Go to Fashion Week&Olympic Autumn Glory!

4 意見


We pushed through a gaggle of reporters from teen magazines and managed to snag an interview (regrettably hands-free). Michael explained his new goatee was a product of laziness. “I cleaned it up a little bit. But I just didn’t feel like [shaving] all of it,” he said. With security guards literally holding back a throng of ladies behind us, we asked if any overzealous fans had ever, say, thrown a bra in his face. “I had the funniest time at the welcome-home parade. There was this girl who had a sign up that said, 'I’m legal in four years.' I thought that was pretty original.” Clearly he didn't hear the "on your knees" girl. But sadly for her, Michael added he’s not dating anyone right now and won’t until the time is right. “You guys know everything else so I got to keep something to myself,” he said.

我知道我知道(舉手)....won't date anyone but your Mr.Right(咦).....那傢伙現在不是在FL嗎?他在FL吧?哪家航空公司快點變成MP的贊助商有飛不完的里程數啊多好用(?)

On to more fashionable topics, we asked if Phelps got invited to Fashion Week. “I have no idea if I did or not. I’m not sure where I was at that point, but I was traveling and I was super busy.” But if the designers in Paris had invited him to the shows, he so would have gone! “I’ll go anywhere. I’ll go enjoy myself. Come on — it’s fun going to those things,” he said. Michael’s favorite designers include Lacoste (whose hat he wore), Diesel, and Giorgio Armani. He hasn’t met Mr. Armani “yet,” he says, but the man did send him a shirt to wear for last night’s festivities. Hint hint, nudge nudge, Giorgio. David Beckham can’t hold down those Armani billboards forever! No time like the present to brew up a new campaign.

Olympic Autumn Glory!



4 意見:

匿名 at: 2008年10月12日 晚上7:33:00 提到...

"but I was traveling and I was super busy"这句话好眼熟,那个谁前几天好像也这么说过。。。。。。。那啥lochte有姐姐的吧。。。。。。。。

V at: 2008年10月14日 下午6:53:00 提到...



匿名 at: 2008年10月14日 晚上7:33:00 提到...



V at: 2008年10月14日 晚上10:45:00 提到...


......如果嫁進去(你就說出來吧)那這樣他就會有4 older sisters了(欸)....



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