原文在此Eat My Gold Michael Phelps, Says Swimming Gold Medalist Lochte
While he has been here, he has taken in some of the sights, expressing genuine awe at walking around the Capitol. And in two weeks, he and the U.S. Olympic team will travel to the White House, where he promises to make his pitch to the president. "I might have to," he said. ......嗯那個你們不要被Barbara吃掉噢(死)
But enough about us and Washington. We asked if it was true he wants to be a fashion designer. "I want to eventually get into designing," he said. And why not? He helped Speedo with the Beijing swim suits. And he attended New York's Fashion Week.
Then, he talked about his pal Phelps, totally dissing his appearance on Saturday Night Live this past weekend. "I think I'd be a lot better," he laughed over Cokes, calling Phelps "more to himself" though still a funny guy. Then, we asked about his famous kick and he said that Phelps also uses the speedy kick but that he was faster than the eight gold medal winner.
He'll have a chance to prove it soon, when Phelps and Lochte return to the pool. Lochte, of Florida, says he plans to travel to Baltimore to train with Phelps and that the Olympics star will follow him south for a second week of training. Why the special sessions? "It's just a different scenario," says Lochte. "It's just someplace different to train with him." And since both are some of the fastest swimmers in the world, the natural competition just makes them better, he says.
2 意見:
"Eat My Gold Michael Phelps" 这篇文章的标题有点那啥。。。。。。我差点把那个gold漏看了 = =